Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sept. 1 The Idea of Order at Key West - Wallace Stevens

            Wallace Stevens, in The idea of Order at Key West writes of a haunting and enchanted song sung by a woman as she walks alongside the melody of the sea. His vivid descriptions of the turbulent air and violent waters act to reveal his emotional response not to the sea, but to the woman's song. He explains this quite simply with his first line 'she sang beyond the genius of the sea' and he continues to reinforce his belief that the woman' song holds more sway than the sea with other phrases: 'the water never formed to mind or voice', the water held no sway over the listener, 'fluttering its empty sleeves' the sound had no substance, 'its mimic motion', try as it might to follow the woman's song the sea could not compete.
            Stevens continues his discourse by asking 'whose spirit is this?' The woman's song comes to represent the human power to create, 'For she was the maker of this song she sang'. Her song holds more power over the sea which was 'sound alone' because it was created by a human mind. And because the listener 'knew it was the spirit that we sought and knew that we should ask [whose spirit is this] often as she sang' he knew that he understood the song because there was some human element to it for which he could search. And by searching and seeking to understand that internal spirit he could understand the words she sang. This spirit 'of ourselves and our origins' is the lens through which the human mind understands and orders the world. His last image of a night sea defined by the lights of the fishing boats, reveals how the mind uses the lens of self to understand the world and without this lens many would be lost. But in this lost state is where man may find and create 'in ghostlier demarcations, keener sounds.' In other words, the way man understands and sees his world is defined by his experiences or his origins. But in places where man's mind fails to see through his lens of self, true creation can occur.